Monday, July 10, 2006

The Callista Steampackets' Greatest Hits

As usual the Steampackets are always on the lookout for new methods of raising money to keep up with the ever increasing budgets allocated to player salaries, catering and management embezzling.

After having explored calendars, trivia nights and all varieties of food-related fund-raising activities, the Steampackets have decided to release a book. The roaring success of “The Callista Steampackets: an awesome history” in 2004 has prompted a follow-up book, due to hit the shelves in time for Christmas.

“What we wanted,” said club treasurer, Kim Mazaraki, “is something that is entertaining, informative and thought provoking, but most of all something that will cost very little to produce.”

The result is “The Callista Steampackets Greatest Hits”. It will be a compendium of every single article published in the Callista Star, from Tibor Kosa’s first article back in March 2004 right up to last week’s shock announcement of the Ladies’ Day reuinion match (scheduled for 22nd of September, don’t forget!).

Rob Jennings, the Steampackets Media liaison and author of the articles since May 2005, says that even though all the articles are available to Callista staff via their Lotus Notes newsletter archive, he is very excited by the book. “It will be great to have all of these together in the one publication. There are some wonderful memories in there. Remember that time the Barry Crocker sang at Half Time, or that article I wrote without using the letter “e”? It will all be there.”

If you would like to appear in the book before it’s publication, then come along to the games on Tuesday and Friday lunchtimes at Steampacket Park.

Rob Jennings,

Steampackets Media Liaison.

The Callista Steampackets: Skill is not an Option

74 days to go...


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