Monday, November 13, 2006

Beach Soccer

With summer just around the corner, any casual observer can tell that the Steampackets have been working harder than ever to keep in shape and look fantastic.

Club Manager, Adrian Roberts explains. “We’re trying out a new demonstration sport for the X-treme Summer Games: Beach Soccer. It will essentially be the same game that we usually play except that it’s on sand and, of course, everyone will be wearing skimpy clothing. Luke in particular is excited about dusting off his speedos for this one.”

Treasurer Kim Mazaraki was keen to describe his reasoning behind funding this venture. “It all started a couple of weeks ago, when club benefactor Barry Campbell mentioned that he had a trailer load of sand going cheap if we wanted it. Being the shrewd investor that I am, I couldn’t pass that kind of opportunity up. One thing led to another, and we ended up with this:”

“The step from this to starting a beach team was really a very small one.”

If you would like to get a bit sandy, then the Steampackets sessions will be at Johnston park until the beach is ready.

Rob Jennings,

Steampackets Media Liaison.

The Callista Steampackets: Skill is not an Option


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